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Social Event Planning Meeting
2018-12-10 @ 18:00 - 20:00
FreeHi there,
December has come quickly, and I’m looking for help planning out our year of Social Events.
If you’d like to participate, please come to the club anytime between 6PM to 8 PM on Monday.
I would like to document our social events so that we can enable opportunities for club members. If we have something documented, it should be easier to share. If we’ve thought out what’s needed in advance (even just half of it) it will be easier to make advance preparations. I’m hoping with some good documentation we can bolster volunteer support and with many hands make work lighter. If you know of a traditional social event or if you’d like to propose something new, please come out and have your say!
If you can’t attend, here’s (roughly) what information we’ll be going over:
Event Name:
Event Date(s)
Event Description (Purpose of the event, target audience, location)
Who is involved (Event organizer, event organizer 2)
Requirements (Volunteers/Tasks, Equipment, Space, Food, Permits, preparations required, decorations)
Challenges (ie: can be rained out, low attendance, extremely popular etc.)
Cost (ie: cost of equipment, food, material, cleaners)
Benefits (ie: club spirit, appreciation, community service, club revenue)