About Us

Club Focus

“To experience, enjoy and promote aviation in a spirit of fellowship.”

The Abbotsford Flying Club (AFC) promotes general aviation by providing its members with a friendly and fun aviation-oriented environment and encouraging them to remain active in the flying community.

The club actively supports and participates in the Abbotsford Airshow.  The club also supports the local community though events such as free Flights for local Air Cadets, Wings and Wheels with the local chapter of the Vintage Car Club of Canada, and donations to Holmberg House.

Club History

The Abbotsford Flying Club (AFC) was founded in 1961. The administration of the Club is carried out in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the Society.

The club’s membership has grown over the years.  From time to time, Life Memberships have been bestowed on various persons for their long service or outstanding contributions to the welfare of the club.

From its inception, the Club has participated in many aviation activities. In 1962, the first Abbotsford Airshow was held as a joint project between the AFC and the Abbotsford Rotary Club. In 1964, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) took over from the Rotary Club and joined forces with AFC to continue the airshow. The AFC handled all flying events and crowd control and the EAA was responsible for gate admission and car parking.

In 1970, the AFC was presented with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s (AOPA) highest award in recognition of the AFC’s outstanding contribution to aviation as the sponsoring body and contributor to the Abbotsford International Airshow.

Eventually, due to the increased complexity and magnitude of the airshow, a new society was formed to be known as Abbotsford International Airshow Society (AIAS). In 1968, the Abbotsford International Airshow Society was formed and the board of directors composed of AFC and industry directors. The AIAS has grown to such proportions and complexity that a large pool of volunteer labour is required throughout much of the year to make the airshow a success.

The continuing success of the airshow is directly related to the success of the Abbotsford Flying Club through its member involvement in the on-site Campground, Fly-in aircraft parking and Broken Prop restaurant hosted at the AFC clubhouse.